You will always have a direct contact person when you work at Open Cultural Center, whether you are in Greece or in Spain. You can ask this person any work-related questions or doubts, but if you want, you can also share any personal issues you face. We believe that sharing is important, so don't hesitate to share any doubts/issues/conflicts or other challenges you face with team members or with us directly. We are happy to help you and create a safe working environment for any team member of OCC.

<aside> 🚨 In any urgent, life threatening situations, always reach out directly to local emergency services:


For all emergency services, reach out to 112 from any phone.


Emergency - 112

Ambulance - 166

Fire Department - 199

Police - 100


<aside> 💡 IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a specific issue with your supervisor, you can always reach out to the contacts mentioned below. They are always open to discuss any kind of issue you have faced, and the shared information - unless there is a situation that may cause direct harm to people - is confidential.

